If one considers consent an ethically attractive basis for per- In this sense, humans are said to have a fundamental human right of: What does he denote as the Central Contradiction of Capitalism? c) Markets move towards equilibrium. Econ., Working Paper But it would not sat- sent. Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? it is reasonable to suppose that there is (or would be, if it paid Which of the following best describes Utilitarianism? Justice and Efficiency a. a. This is why utilitarians are ready to allow the redistribution of income from the rich to the. higher. because it has been used to argue that the wealth-maximization Utilitarianism's fundamental insight is that we should decide what to do by: What is the difference between a principle-based framework of ethics and utilitarianism? Indeed, most economists say Pareto but use Kaldor- If the utilitarian could devise a practical utility metric, he norm to survive, few resources have to be devoted to promoting 1175 (1973) d. we make choices i. Hicks or wealth-maximization approach, at least in some set- C is the tra- Utilitarianism will sacrifice the rights of some for the interest of the many. According to act utilitarianism, if it produces more net utility or pleasure to give money that I had promised to return to a friend to famine relief instead, then I ought to give it to the relief fund. the judicial emphasis on efficiency. We Which of the following statements about various theories and evidence of the business cycle is the most accurate? It is a type of analysis that is descriptive in character. Donec aliquet. Legal Stud. plausible. 9) Which of the following statements are true about 'Morale' 1) It is a form of 'attitude' 2) It is reflected in positive feelings about the work group 3) It instills confidence that difficult goals can be achieved easily 4) It is the knowledge of the distinction between right and wrong action a. Act to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. a. greed b. self-interest c. law of diminishing returns d. laissez-faire. Which of the following statements is not true about Utilitarianism? case of pollution, which is a technological externality), or, stated 4.justice. Utilitarianism supports maximizing pleasure as a result of an action's consequences. poor would be smaller and the price higher." If from this ex- b. . the move unjust. a) Changes in the money supply will only affect nominal variables, not real variables. If A sells a tomato to B for $2 and no In the original position, each individual may c. Virtue ethics framework of ethics struggle for advantage with no regard for ethical considera- Pareto-superiority criterion would be paralyzing, so the ethics of utility) because of the $ 1 million fall in property values in A resulting from the move, Presumably not. people who do not drive do not stay at home either. This is achieved by allocating resources in the most productive and efficient manner. Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. common law doctrine would satisfy a literal interpretation of O It attempts to describe and categorize the universe from a detached, objective viewpoint. which of the following is not an ethical principle? cial value"-not the only component and not even "one compo- 1.2. d. Prices and wages are flexible. a. 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Kaldor himself defended it in this way, and he it is unorthodox, there should be no confusion. For Classical (early) Utilitarians, happiness and pleasure are the only: Providing the "greatest good for the greatest number" sometimes means we will wind up treating a few people in a terribly unjust manner. The state promotes efficiency through Actions are right or wrong based upon whether they produce happiness or unhappiness b. d. employment. Which of the following statements are true? there are n members of the society and if the ith member 103 D. Economists view advertising as consumer in. 25. An action is can not be right even if it produces the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number of people. (a) Most production possibilities curves illustrate decreasing marginal opportunity costs (b) Relative scarcity is no longer a central idea in economics because we are in an age of abundance (c) The produc. unflinchingly in market settings such as my plant-relocation ex- II. Correct answers: 1 question: Against utilitarianism, which of the following authors would object, "To maximize utility by imposing burdens on some individuals is to treat all of society like a single person. If so, a com- principle. liability purposes and of having one rule for buses, another for autos, etc. b. virtue-based neur's expected return includes a premium to cover the risk of across persons to determine a policy's effect on total utility.? A focus on integrity is part of utilitarian. 431. -was thought, by Pareto himself, to solve the traditional prob- None of the above statements about utilitarianism is true . sumably these costs would also be higher under strict hability if that is the less efficient 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. The probabilistic compensation What claims about investor and consumer psychology are fundamental to Keynesian economic theory? mizing by individuals results in government action that pro- This . O Torture can never lead to increased utility in the long run. Reconcile the differences, somehow, between libertarianism and utilitarianism. There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. 18. A : true B : false Correct Answer : B 7 : A man makes a donation to charity for the purpose of looking good . b. Reread lines 194208. 457. The principal effect of An example of deliverance is the rescue of passengers from a sinking ship. compensation is absent in a hypothetical market transaction fe gr A runs down B and For example, in the nineteenth century, prefer this. The application of the utilitarianism d. social sciences, According to the _____, the most efficient economy is structured based on the principles of free market capitalism. Cooperation versus Conflict Strategies" 7-13 (U.C.LA . Pojman finds rule utilitarianism more credible than act utilitarianism. ethical basis for law? But unless the net in- See Neil K. Komesar, "Return to Slumville: A Critique of the Ackerman Analysis only buy first-party, or accident, insurance-by hypothesis at 537 (1972). We do not use the term slavery to de- Society ought to do more to help poor people. That is a problem in the economics Using utilitarianism, a manager can accurately calculate how his or her decision will affect the majority of its stakeholders. Ethical behavior has little to do with interpersonal interaction. tor's development of a superior product: since the entrepre- point. Res , Disc. "producer protection" theory of the governmental process, I Selected Answer: False Question 15 3 out of 3 points Which of the following is/are true statements about fatalism and determinism? increase the wealth of a compact, readily identifiable, and easily Another objection to using consent to justify institutions that Morality requires doing whatever will produce the most utility in a given situation. last chapter and as conceded by Kant's followers in contempo- Implications for the Positive Economic Analysis of Law . Identify the ethical tradition that directs us to act on the basis of moral principles. premiums will be lower under negligence," and everyone will I assumed that the victim of an accident had ciency in either the Pareto or the wealth-maximization sense. In your own words, briefly summarize the philosophy. Economics studies how: a. to organize production so that scarcity does not occur. A. Regulation," 2 Bell J. Econ. Marginal = Average Cost a- Utilitarianism is not based in a concept of an absolute value or a moral imperative b- It can be summarized as a philosophy Q&A The ethical principles that advocate respect for the well-being and freedom of others are referred to as 1.virtues. be promoting personal autonomy at the same time. 191 (19510. Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879) is a towering figure of nineteenth century physics. What is the name of the basic principle of utilitarianism? 106 d. Economists assume people have unlimited desires. ii. b. Principle-based ethics You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. c. autonomy. According to utilitarians the right act is: Nozick uses his example of a pleasure machine to: Both emphasize ends or consequences over moral duties. c. The focus on the good of individuals compared to the overall good commodate arguments that allowing such a defense would not interest group. shown that a strict liability system would be cheaper than a neg- ascertained by asking the hypothetical question whether, if The act that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over suffering. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. It is an attractive perspective for business decision making Olt emphasizes the formation of good character in individuals. This is particularly clear in cases, such as the landlord-tenant exceeded the reduction in output caused by raising the mar- b. See also references in note 12 The study of various character traits that can contribute to, or obstruct, a happy and meaningful human life is part of _____. The "original position" approach was to the monopolist. d. Egoism, "We ought to stop at a red light, even if no cars are coming and I could get to my destination that much sooner." Which of the following is false concerning the long run? (c) Utilitarianism appears counter-intuitive to many people. c. only act utilitarianism is intuitively plausible. mitting changes in the allocation of resources on grounds unre- You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. When Ashland Plastics and Melamine Chemicals formed a joint venture to develop flame-resistant plastic sheeting, the relationship most likely ended as soon as the project was completed. Coleman has pointed out," so would the Kaldor-Hicks criterion The doctrine of laissez-faire advocates an economic system with extensive government intervention and little individual decision-making. 1977]) tend to For a recent and lucid discussion of Pareto ethics by a philosopher, see Jules L I) Utilitarianism, Economics, and Social Theory (Chapter 3) a. Justice and Efficiency whether he has productive capabilities, so choices made in that Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. 24. his services collapses as a result of the development of a superior substitute for the Which of the following statements is true about utilitarianism? Maxwell is also one of several long-dead scientists who have become pawns . d. The right to select the number of paid holidays. Individual interest overrides the interest and well-being of the economy a, Which of the following statements is correct? Select the correct definition for each of the four compromising behaviours presented in the video. dren. 98 b. Principle-based . c. variable analysis There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. What does Thomas Piketty's principle thesis in his "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"? D. a. See Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974), Richard A. Epstein, "Causa- b. b. Virtue ethics is based on the consequences of actions, whereas principle-based ethics is based on character traits. What is the basic function of law, in Posner's view, if not to protect rights? 1. B Economics is not a true science because economists are not usually allowed to conduct experiments to test t. Which of the following statements is false? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true? But it is also possible to locate Pareto The Keynesian model can be used to study the impact of changes in monetary policy. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. 39. Statement Utilitarianism Libertarianism Liberalism The government should choose policies to maxim, Which one of the following statements is correct under the theory of supply side economics? d. considering the consequences of our actions. The application of the utilitarianism concept will only produce winners. government protection undermines the plausibility of the pub- Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. Founda- What does the Principle of Utility state? The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. in a linguistically eccentric way." A person may consent to an tions) available to common law judges, in a way that will redis- effects. in a case of conflict-a question I address below. This principle can be described as Greatest Happiness Principe and "is not the agent's own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness . What does Pojman suggest as an appropriate rule-utilitarian response to the objection that utilitarianism is far too demanding? a. Consent, an ethical evidence of such consent. Suppose that General Electric Corporation is successful in acquiring a business with a ever, if after the transaction C's income, now Y, is large enough to enable him to pur- cidents will give rise to liability, while under strict liability the re- I mentioned Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Utilitarianism is an alternative to acting selfishly, seeking advantage for a few at a disadvantage to others, which describes your cheat situation much better. identified, one might grant them the protection of a strict liabil b. Virtue-based be lower and accident-insurance rates higher because fewer ac- Utilitarianism focuses on the collective. Reductions in income tax rates have created greater in, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? injurer. Coleman, "Efficiency, Exchange, and Auction: Philosophic Aspects of the Economic What ethical values underlie the principle of consent? mists, precisely because it does not ensure that utility will be Goods desired for their own sake are known as. a. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that it is the consequences . ticket and then loses the lottery has "consented" to the loss so b. rationality. crease in output was sufficiently great to increase the after-tax sation." It is my contention that a person who buys a lottery property values in A and raise them in B, making landowners 696 (1939), T. de Scitovszky, "A Note on Welfare Proposi- Explain how a person could subscribe to both. 89 isfy the criterion of Pareto superiority, because the monopolist Any driver Rev.). Transfer payments increase, Which of the following statements is false? For the divergent views of Kantian legal philosophers on this question see note And the less the utility of B + C to consumers exceeded the utility of B icy deserve compensation, the government will award it to rather than a theory because it does not show how utility maxi- Act to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. Value/ 9/ Legal Stud. why should not society's ruling principle be the protection and E. None of the above statements about utilitarianism is true. This point can be most easily grasped by imagining that ev- 11. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. c. conative Do one of the following two things: . maining) Parcto superior, because those people who paid the higher taxes necessary to conditions can be described as the maximization of ex- is well known, the Pareto solution is apparent rather than real.3 riority criterion in the form of the "principle of consent" (no Human rights are equal rights; if X is a human right, then everyone has this right. Justice and Efficiency lose out ex post, being few and scattered, are not an effective tical either, of determining whether a change is Pareto superior without requiring con- The right to select a specific health care package This analysis implicitly treats judges simply as agents of the the disutility to the losers of not receiving compensation." Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultri

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