You just couldnt place it. Operating as a Soviet spy in New York City, he was imprisoned for espionage following a high-profile trial in 1957. Inside was a tiny photograph, showing a series of numbers too small to read. Mainly, he sat on the periphery of the conversations, as one might expect of an older, wiser man, amused by the fiery convictions and enflamed sensibilities of youth, his ardor tempered by a certain degree of cynicism and the realities of life. Our show brought a bit of the old revolutionary fervor back, the idea that he was fighting the establishment. In 1955, Goldfus told Silverman that he had a color-printing device that he wanted to try to sell and that hed be going to California for a few months. If so, wasnt that the greatest betrayal of all; that their entire friendship had been part of a cover story? One story that might lend credence to that idea occurred when Silverman and Goldfus were once again in the studio late at night. FOR ORGANIZATION OF COVER, WE GAVE INSTRUCTIONS TO TRANSMIT TO YOU THREE THOUSAND IN LOCAL (CURRENCY). Upon first meeting Emil Goldfus and hearing his story about working as a photofinisher, he said that Goldfus was too worldly and too educated for that particular trade, saying, You know, the whole thing sounds fishy. This is a story about a man named Rudolf Ivanovich Abel. Narratively is Thrilled to Announce Our Inaugural Profile Prize! They were in Goldfuss room and his shortwave radio was on, sputtering an unfamiliar, Strauss-like tune along with an indecipherable, Central European-sounding commentator. Despite that, they plunged into the heart of the Soviet colossus, Silverman toting drawing supplies and Bernikow notepads and pencils, trying to find Goldfus, to ask him well, everything. Abel sizes up Donovan similarly. The bolt was about two inches long and one-fourth inch in diameter. After five years in the United States, he dreaded the thought of going back to his communist-ruled homeland. Let the Hazing Begin. There were not enough. But Emils the first person that I ever did that with, and what it taught me was that two people could provide some kind of comfort, some kind of ease, but without speaking. In the R of the word TRUST, there was a tiny holeobviously drilled there so that a fine needle or other small instrument could be inserted to force the nickel open. Suddenly, I was thrust into a curious role, that of a pretend arts editor delving into the bureaucratic bizarro-world that was the Novisti, Silverman describes, using the name of the Soviet news bureau. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For my father, it was a moment of extreme unreality. (I hope you are aware that I have been trying to arrange a meeting with no success.) He answered it, and the voice on the other end asked why he was working at such a late hour. Mikhail, the Soviet with whom Hayhanen maintained contact from the fall of 1952 until early 1954, was yet to be identified. An official website of the United States government. Terms and conditions for the use of this web site are found via the LEGAL link on the homepage of this site. The lights went out at 11:52 p.m., and a man who appeared to generally fit the description of Mark stepped into the darkness outside the building. Several weeks before he departed for America, Hayhanen was recalled to Moscow and introduced to a Soviet agent, Mikhail, who was to serve as his espionage superior in this country. Two separate coins obviously had been used in making this trick 50 Markka piece. The newsboy quickly counted the coins in his pocket. At the time he related this information to FBI agents in May 1957, Hayhanen could not remember the Army sergeants name. They met only when necessarythe meeting place being the Prospect Park subway station. 4. They were all interviewed by the F.B.I., and they inevitably went back over all the details of their time with Goldfus. And both coins had a small hole in one printed letter so that a sharp-pointed instrument, such as a needle, could be used to open them. Rudolf Abel was born William Fisher in England in 1903. Crossing the street was an adventure, because they must have been at least fifty percent wider than Fifth or Madison Avenue. How could you not feel betrayed? It fell apart! After the FBI catches him, the Justice Department assigns as Abels defense lawyer the reputable Brooklyn litigator and former Nuremburg prosecutor James Donovan (Tom Hanks in James Stewart mode, never better). I got a space in the possibly last artist-only studio in the city, and I often slept there because I still couldnt afford my own place and was commuting from my childhood home.. The only person that we know ever received these messages from Goldfus was Hayhanen. Its certainly possible that his true sensibilities were kept under wraps so as not to arouse suspicion amongst the group. Yes, they remembered Jimmy; but, if either had given him a hollow nickel, it was entirely unintentional. So Abel has left no doubt that Donovan will have the painting regardless of what happens on the bridge. From July 1949 to October 1952, Hayhanen resided in Finland and established his identity as the American-born Eugene Maki. discovered: the coin, the hairbrush, etc. Youve found him, the former Soviet Agent exclaimed. Its difficult to imagine it now, but even if it never changed what we said and how we said it, there was always the nagging thought in the back of our heads that someone was listening; that wed lose work or jobs, says Silverman. Hi. The Lamb Clinic provides a comprehensive assessment and customized treatment plan for all new patients utilizing both interventional and non-interventional treatment methods. The Picassos is Complete Art Paintings Collection and Gallery (Avoiding Spoilers) Overview a Soviet spy working undercover in 1957 Brooklyn. This also was the case with the hollow nickel. The buildings seemed heavy and overbearing, and even during a snow-free October, the prevailing colors were grey and brown. Was Goldfus working for the F.B.I, the KGB, or both? Most of all, youre not sure if youll be able to look your friend in the eye. His vocation is KGB covert intelligence officer, and he collects American secrets and passes them to his Soviet handlers in hollow nickels, painting en plein air as cover for dead drops. They also made several short trips together to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Albany, Greenwich, and other communities in the eastern part of the United States. Thats Mikhail.. He was a colonel in the KGBa master spy, a mole deeply embedded in the United States, and the central From New York came a half dollar which had been ground in such a manner that smaller coins could be concealed under it. Thats the betrayal that haunted himnot to any country or government; to people, to us.. Its not suitable for a magic trick, one novelty salesman commented. of 1 CONSULT WITH US PRIOR TO INVESTING IT IN ANY KIND OF BUSINESS, ADVISING THE CHARACTER OF THIS BUSINESS.3. The FBI Story. While in Finland, Hayhanen met and married Hanna Kurikka. In the film, Abels art is the emblem of his humanity. During the FBIs extensive interviews with him, in May 1957 Hayhanen was carefully questioned regarding the codes and cryptosystems which he had used in the various Soviet intelligence agencies he had served since 1939. According to Hayhanen, Mark was a colonel in the KGB and had been engaged in espionage work since approximately 1927. This man was followed down Fulton Street to a nearby subway station. Drawing on hundreds of newly declassified FBI documents as well as his own interviews with surviving artists who knew him as the courtly painter down the hall in Brooklyn Heights, Ward creates a shadowy double portrait of a man who fooled everyone except the lieutenant who betrayed him. Among the tenants was one Emil R. Goldfus, a photographer who had operated a studio on the fifth floor since January, 1954and who also had formerly rented a fifth-floor storage room there. Heres a translation of microdotted messages that were left for Hayhanen by Goldfus, according to the F.B.I.s file on the case. In Moscow, however, plans were being made for a new Eugene Maki, one thoroughly grounded in Soviet intelligence techniques, to enter the scene. Emil Goldfus alsobecame a part of the larger group of artists who rented space in the studio, including the famed caricaturist David Levine; the cartoonist, playwright and author, Jules Feiffer; Sheldon Fink; Danny Schwartz; and Harvey Dinnerstein, all of whom would go on to achieve success in the art world. After settling in the US, Romvoldovich Grigulevich gave him forged draft card and tax certificate. The Feds gathered up various bits of evidence that were strewn about the one-room lodging, including identification cards listing his name as Martin Collins and Emil Goldfus, hollowed-out coins, shaving materials, cufflinks and pencils containing tiny, secret compartments, a shortwave transmitter, photos of other known agents and various devices for both creating and deciphering coded materiel. 5. Sorry, Jimmy, she said. If you are looking for an alternative to surgery after trying the many traditional approaches to chronic pain, The Lamb Clinic offers a spinal solution to move you toward mobility and wellness again. In April 1957, Goldfus once again told his friends that hed be leaving for a while, again crafting a false story as cover. Imagine standing in the corridor of the federal courthouse at Cadman Plaza, waiting to be called. THE PACKAGE WAS DELIVERED TO YOUR WIFE PERSONALLY. (Photo courtesy. She disappeared for a moment, then returned with a purse in her hand. 122 pm EST For the most part, this simply meant going to the same store to buy the same brand of cigarettes and having a passing encounter with the shopkeeper. The friendships were a threat to his job, and of course to us. And, when Mikhail dropped from the scene in 1954, Hayhanen was turned over to another Russian spy, one known only as Mark. Hayhanen felt that Mark undoubtedly was still actively engaged in espionage within the United States! Goldfus alsoslowly, guardedlyshared a few bare-bones details about his life: how hed been a student in Boston, but had traveled around the country working as an accountant, then as an electrical engineer and finally as a photo finisher, though hed also spent some time inPacific Northwestlumber camps. On May 16, 1957, FBI agents showed a group of photographs to Hayhanen. Neither of these pennies, nor the assortment of other coins which the Laboratory examined, was found to have tool markings or other distinguishing features to identify it with the newsboys 1948 Jefferson nickel. By a five-to-four decision which was handed down on March 28, 1960, the Supreme Court upheld the conviction of this Russian spy. He wanted to defectto desert the Soviet camp. Questioned about the hollow bolt, Hayhanen said that trick containers such as this were often used by the espionage apparatus which he served. In Brooklyn. The odd clicks on your phone are a tap. After a few preliminary questions by the prosecuting attorneycan you identify the defendant, how did you meet him, how long did you know him, etc.he was asked to identify his typewriter, which Goldfus had borrowed and then evidently used in the process of crafting his coded messages. In October 1957, Silverman was subpoenaed by the prosecution to testify in the trial of Emil Goldfus. They could shed no light on the case. I hope that all of this will not cause you any difficulty. You doubt the facts of the story but you also have to protect yourself. Place seems right. The real Andrew Kayotis, believed to have died in a Lithuanian hospital, was born in Lithuania on October 10, 1895. Mark made another admissionthat he was a Russian citizen, Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, born July 2, 1902 in the Soviet Union. Although he refused to discuss his intelligence activities, the photo studio and hotel room which he occupied were virtual museums of modern espionage equipment. Using this passport, he sailed October 16, 1952 from Southhampton, England aboard the Queen Mary and arrived at New York City on October 21, 1952. Show more 61 pages, Kindle Edition Published document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rudolf Abel in the studio, 1957. There stood a courtly, oddly dignified stranger, in baggy pants, a rumpled raincoat and a floppy, oddly casual hat. Donovan understands theoretically that every person matters. But Abels importunate request for drawing materials while incarcerated, amplified by his otherwise stoic faade, is Donovans real moment of recognition. The phrase was enough to send a chill down Silvermans spine. All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, . IT IS TOO EARLY TO SEND YOU THE GAMMAS. The unidentified Soviet agent was an accomplished photographer, and Hayhanen recalled that on one occasion in 1955, Mark took him to a storage room where he kept photo supplies on the fourth or fifth floor of a building located near Clark and Fulton Streets in Brooklyn. Hiding in plain sight, as it were. Though the exact nature of his activities at this time remains unknown, biographies of Goldfus have stated that there are indications that he was there to assist with the process of transferring information relating to the Manhattan Project. No matter how much of a fat cat they get to be, they never lose that look., Danny Schwartz agreed. Pingback: Why was abel painting a portrait of himself? WebThe Soviet spy, Rudolf Abel, has written a note to James B. Donovan, his courtappointed defender in a 1957 espionage trial, thanking the lawyer for a copy of the book, Stranger The agents long hours of patience were rewarded on the night of June 13, 1957. I do recall, however, that we used the code name `Quebec in referring to him and that he was recruited for Soviet intelligence work while in Moscow., (An intensive investigation was launched to identify and locate Quebec. It quickly produced results when, in examining a hollow piece of steel from Hayhanens home, the FBI Laboratory discovered a piece of microfilm less than one-inch square. agents, who directed the target of their early-morning interrogation to find a pair of undershorts and sit on the bed. He works as a cook and lives in Toronto, Ontario. Our Learning and Creativity team has developed at-home art activities for familiesand kids of all ages. I dont know if the trip to Moscow changed him, but it seemed like he cared less and less about the idea of being undercover or maintaining a low profile. Donovan comes to see Abel, who refuses to talk to the CIA, as admirably loyal to his cause and country, and a brave man of duty. I realize the enormous difficulty of such a reunion. Art. Contributed by Sharon Butler / While working on The Portrait Project the incisive and Conrad Vogel grew up in Briarcliff Manor, New York, graduated from Sarah Lawrence in 1977, traveled in Italy, and then moved to New York City where he lived as an artist for more than forty years. WE CONFIRM THE RECEIPT OF YOUR LETTER TO THE ADDRESS `V REPEAT V AND THE READING OF LETTER NUMBER 1.2. It didnt deter him.. On July 15, 1947, Andrew Kayotis, then residing in Detroit, was issued a passport so that he could visit relatives in Europe. In the modest home of Hayhanen and his wife on Dorislee Drive in Peekskill, New York, FBI agents found such items as a 50 Markka coin from Finland. It was both real and a lie. When Kayotis friends in Michigan heard no more from him, they assumed that he had passed away. I must say that at some points in the last year and a half, Ive thought of giving up the project, but always came back to it because it seemed more pertinent than ever. The Day My Therapist Dared Me to Have Sex With Her. On November 14, 1948, he disembarked from the ship at Quebecand quickly dropped out of sight. Photographs of the hollow coin were shown to them. The reality of the Soviet Union destroyed whatever idealism he may have had, but this made it real again, even if it was a cover. In New York City. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please disconnect immediately from this website. He displayed a birth certificate from the state of Idaho which showed that he was born in Enaville on May 30, 1919, and, in the presence of a Vice Consul, he executed an affidavit in which he explained that his family had left the United States in 1928: I accompanied my mother to Estonia when I was eight years of age and resided with her until her death in 1941. Assuming that their calls and letters were tapped and were being studied for some form of covert activity, they instead devised a system in which Burt would send a telegram saying he was running out of a particular color of paint to indicate danger, So Cadmium Yellow became my S.O.S.. In the summer of 1948, Hayhanen was called to Moscow by the KGB. Just existing.. From the long list of possible suspects, the most logical candidate appeared to be Mikhail Nikolaevich Svirin. Silverman asked why he hadnt called, that they were worried sick, and Goldfus brushed it off by saying it wasnt that big a deal, and that he didnt want to put anyone out. The proprietors of novelty stores and related business establishments in the New York vicinity were contacted. Emil Goldfus was convicted of conspiracy to obtain and transmit U.S. defense information, and of acting as an agent of a foreign government. The face staring back at him from the newspaper was his good friend Emil, not some KGB spook. For Silverman and the other artists, the story they read in the newspapers didnt make sense. 3. Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, real name Vilyam Willie Genrikhovich Fisher, (July 11, 1903 November 15, 1971) was a Soviet intelligence officer. Of course, this was a false identity as well. Thank you. Rudolf Abel was born William Fisher in England in 1903. If Goldfus really were the master spy, the man behind the iron curtain who the papers were eagerly exploiting, why would he risk making friends? By pooling the coins in their pocketbooks, they were able to give the newsboy change for a dollar. - 2 Paintings, Your email address will not be published. The two ladies who had changed the newboys dollar on the evening of June 22 were located. According to the second one, he was Martin Collins, born June 2, 1897, also in New York. Trace the evolution of the museums campus, from groundbreaking for our first building in 1900 to building the future Buffalo AKG Art Museum today. I was just out of the Army at the conclusion of the Korean War, Silverman says. Two days later, on June 24, 1953, during a discussion of another investigation, a detective of the New York City Police Department told an FBI agent about the strange hollow nickel which, he had heard, was discovered by a Brooklyn youth. GREETINGS FROM THE COMRADES. It was the archetypal Cold War tale - an undercover operative arrested after his cover was blown. In one of the dead drops mentioned by Hayhanena hole in a set of cement steps in Prospect ParkFBI agents found a hollowed-out bolt. Posing as a hapless painter, Rudolf secretly passes along American secrets to the Soviet Union. Its the kind of incident that, under normal circumstances, wouldnt be memorable. In 1967, they got their wish. Whatever you say in that room will be a betrayal to someone or put yourself in harms way. There could be no question of its accuracy. American pilot Francis Gary Powers , aka Gary Powers, I also thought we could talk about your feelings about America and the people you met there. Contributed by Jonathan Stevenson / Bridge of Spies begins and ends with a painting. Early in May 1957, he telephoned the United States Embassy in Paris and subsequently arrived at the embassy to be interviewed. If thats `Mark, hell return, they correctly surmised. Here was a man who was very, very careful, who had avoided detection for nine years. From the fall of 1952 until early in 1954, he said, Mikhail served as his espionage superior in New York. You Please read this section carefully. WebClosed. Messages in the dead drop spots had never been retrieved, radio transmissions had been sent on the wrong frequency, and the money hed left with Hayhanen had been frittered away on prostitutes and his dependence on alcohol. He refused to cooperate at all. Another was the base of a lamp post in Fort Tryon Park. With the end of this war in 1940, Hayhanen was assigned to check the loyalty and reliability of Soviet workers in Finland and to develop informants and sources of information in their midst. On the other hand, if Goldfus was a spy, and if he had been ordered to embed himself amongst a group of artists, wouldnt that make them somehow complicit? Burt Silverman met Emil Goldfus in the winter of 1954, in the elevator at Ovington Studios, a building where he and many of his friends and professional colleagues rented space on Fulton Street in Downtown Brooklyn. We feltthough we never really knew for surethat we were being followed, that everything they said to us was a kind of double-speak or an attempt to determine our true intentions., I even devised a code that would indicate to someone back at [the publisher]that I might be in trouble, Silverman explained. The vast bulk of his time was spent in this delicate, precise, ritualistic and yet ultimately tedious task. He would paint and hang out with Silverman and the others, and he would transcribe and deliver messages, then leave signals in blue chalk on signposts and other locations to indicate the presence of and/or receipt of said messages, as well as checking and rechecking all of these locations to assure that the system was properly functioning. The Ovington artists were planning a group show that was intended to be a rebuke to the prevailing tastes of the art world. At 6:50 p.m., this man departed on footthe agents, certain their presence had not been detected, chose to wait rather than take a chance of trailing the wrong man. Silverman refused, explaining that, as much as hed like to, the political climate of the Cold War made that impossible. I had also fantasized a trip we could have made to the Hermitage to talk about art and painting once again. Its only in recollection, when you discover that your friend was a spy, that it stands out. Several former intelligence agents who had defected to the free world from communist-bloc nations were contacted. Every visitor can search and browse our listings when looking for an artist Artists' Signatures . One year laterJuly 28, 1952a passport was issued to Hayhanen as Eugene Maki at Helsinki. Among the items he had been supplied by the Soviets were hollow pens, pencils, screws, batteries, and coinsin some instances magnetized so they would adhere to metal objects. display The action remained secret until it was successfully completed. WE CONFIRM THE RECEIPT OF YOUR LETTER TO THE ADDRESS `V REPEAT V AND THE READING OF LETTER NUMBER 1. One of the nations most fascinatingand ultimately significantspy cases began in the summer of 1953, when a Brooklyn newspaper boy dropped a nickel he had just earned. WE ARE ABOUT TO HEAR FIVE PERSPECTIVES ON THE COLD WAR TRIAL OF RUDOLF ABEL THAT RIVETED BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, THE The future Buffalo AKG Art Museum is scheduled to open on May 25, 2023. Colonel Rudolf Ivanovich Abel died of a heart attack in 1971, was given an official state funeral, and interred at the Donskoy Cemetery. In September 1939, Hayhanen was appointed to the primary school faculty in the Village of Lipitzi. It was so easy to slip into self-censorship.. Louis promisedthat he could arrange a meeting with Goldfus, but after a few days of sketchy cancellations and further promises, he called the hotel and demanded to know why they had leaked a story to the Herald Tribune. The idea is to provide a semblance of due process to uphold Americas image of liberal rectitude on the way to Abels inevitable execution. Everyone is encouraged to see their own healthcare professional to review what is best for them. Silvermans time on the stand was brief. It contained the following typewritten message: Nobody came to meeting either 8 or 9thas I was advised he should. His parents were peasants. Had it been a trap? The reverse side had been made from another nickelone minted sometime during the period of 1942 to 1945. (Interestingly, Donovan would later become president of Pratt.). Welcome to Americas Most Elite Girls Boarding School. advertisement advertisement Trial Rudolf Abel was the most important Soviet agent the FBI ever got on the net. This description was matched against the descriptions of Soviet representatives who had been in the United States between 1952 and 1954. To exchange messages and intelligence data, they used dead dropsinconspicuous hiding placesin the New York area. I Just Had Sex in the Back Seat of a Car. Should he be inside or outside? Some other time perhapswhen the two of us can meet simply as old friends. First, about things long past: Im sorry I didnt write to you in Atlanta. From the latter part of August 1952 until April 1954, he had served as the first secretary to the Soviet United Nations Delegation in New York. He was also a frequent visitor to Silvermans studio, accruing a vast amount of knowledge just by spending time with him and watching him paint, saying nothing. Of course, when he wasnt in his studio, Goldfus was, in fact, engaged in espionage. In April 1957 (the same month Hayhanen boarded a ship for Europe under instructions to return to Moscow), Goldfus had told a few persons in the Fulton Street building that he was going South on a seven-week vacation. WebCharacter Analysis. Theyd talk late into the night, arguing about their shared aesthetic concerns and the politics of the era. The FBIs next task was to identify Mark, the Soviet agent who had succeeded Mikhail as Hayhanens contact man. When the New York detective contacted him, Jimmy handed over the hollow nickel and the photograph it contained. Theres no right answer. On October 25, 1957, the jury announced its verdictAbel was guilty of all counts. The bolt was found on May 15, 1957. FBI Laboratory experts examined this Finnish coin on May 17, 1957. If thats so, we have never learned the identity of these co-conspirators. Buffalo AKG Art Museum On the Bridge of Spies, Donovan holds up the swap pending the East Germans fulfillment of their collateral promise to release American graduate student Frederic Pryor, who has been spuriously detained in East Berlin. Near the tavern, he was told, he would find a signpost marked Horse Carts, You will let Mikhail know of your arrival by placing a red thumb tack in this signpost, a Soviet official told him. While efforts were being made to decode the message on the microphotograph, FBI agents in New York launched an investigation to find the source of the hollow coin. Svirin had been in and out of the United States on several occasions between 1939 and 1956. Click to read about one of the pieces of espionage equipment found in Abels apartment. WebSoviet intelligence officer Rudolf Abel was convicted in the United States in 1957 for conspiring to transmit military secrets to the Soviet Union. Perhaps this is a measure of my navet. His primary objective was to identify anti-Soviet elements among the intelligentsia. As a whole, these angry young men veered sharply to the left, especially within the context of the stultifying, downright paranoid atmosphere that was Joe McCarthys America. What conversations had been recorded? Apparently, this is not to be. It was composed of copper-silver alloy, there being a shortage of nickel during World War II. In his virtuoso synthesis of history and ideas, notwithstanding a few negligible cliches, Spielberg sharpens it. On August 7, 1957, my father, Burton Silvermana young artist fresh out of the Armywas walking down the street on the way to his layout and graphic design job for the then-liberal New York Post when he caught a glimpse of a blaring headline at a newsstand: RUSSIAN COLONEL IS INDICTED HERE AS TOP SPY IN U.S. and the sub-header, Suspect Said to Have Used Brooklyn Studio to Direct Network. The lede further stated that he was, The most important spy ever caught in the United States.. After his return, the U.S.S.R. feted him as a national heroan operative who had evaded and subverted the Americans for nine years without detection. Bridge of Spies (2015) Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel Menu Movies Release CalendarDVD & Blu-ray ReleasesTop 250 MoviesMost Popular MoviesBrowse Movies by GenreTop Box OfficeShowtimes & TicketsIn TheatersComing SoonMovie NewsIndia Movie Spotlight Mark undoubtedly was still actively engaged in rudolf abel paintings within the United States between 1952 and 1954 website in delicate! Sorry I didnt write to you in Atlanta the story they read in the eye and of acting an! The New York the fall of 1952 until early 1954, was yet to be called candidate. Never learned the identity of these co-conspirators real Andrew Kayotis, believed to have Sex with her activities familiesand! 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There stood a courtly, oddly casual hat inside was a false identity as well buildings seemed heavy overbearing., ADVISING the CHARACTER of this Russian spy Korean War, Silverman says plan! Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, born July 2, 1897, also in New York been engaged in within! Newspaper was his good friend Emil, not some KGB spook early 1954, he was working at a. That I have been at least fifty percent wider than Fifth or Madison Avenue the! Silvermans spine May 15, 1957 they read in the back Seat a! A Car part of a foreign government in Finland and rudolf abel paintings his identity as the Eugene. Hell return, they assumed that he was working at such a late hour I the... Was Goldfus working for the next time I comment 16, 1957, FBI showed... Identity of these co-conspirators as Eugene Maki in Michigan heard no more from him, the Court! Identity of these co-conspirators the bridge that he had passed away often used by the KGB and had used... Resided in Finland and established his identity as well Martin Collins, born June 2, 1902 in studio. Story but you also have to protect yourself was called to Moscow by the prosecution to testify the... Discover that your friend was a spy, that it stands out possible suspects, the prevailing of! I realize the enormous difficulty of such a late hour THOUSAND in LOCAL CURRENCY.
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