After the Cajun people migrated to Nova . He was only about 100 yards away when it crossed so a person would not of had time to get far enough to disappear into the swamp. The Rougarou ---- The Louisiana Swamp Monster 1,356 views Premiered Oct 31, 2020 58 Dislike Share Save The Traveling Gilberts 876 subscribers Subscribe The story of the Rougarou (the Louisiana. The creature continued on as it reached a woody marsh area near a canal then disappeared. Some months prior to this her entire family told her they hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, followed by a gurgling noise coming from the woods. Usually theyd find someone in the woods or someone in the village who was just acting strange.. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Watch Live . Only you can prevent forest fires, and so only you can save Louisianas wetlands.. Wed 05/31/23. Well written and well documented. I found a report from Civil War veteran Fredrick Kliebert who was walking home from a squirrel hunt when he saw what he described as a giant. More than a millennium ago, vampires were demonic vectors of disease, possibly reflecting the very real threat of rabies. In the same story from The Nicholls Worth, the author, Brandon Folse, heavily quotes Patricia Perrin, a retired English instructor and folklore specialist. The rougarou (also spelled rugaru or rugaroo) has its origins in 16th century medieval French folklore. The creature in question was described by the officer as being an eight foot talk, bipedal hominid, dark hair (not fur), and massively build. People who didnt have a lot of physical or social power in society found a way to survive through being clever., Even Louisianas infamous and very real alligators have undergone a rebranding. If you decide to attend the festival or find yourself around the swamps, make sure to remember the tricks and tactics we covered in this article. Not in the Pacific Northwest, but right there in Laplace! The next day the man found the two Dobermans decapitated. Their body would then undergo a transformation, and they would develop a craving for meat. While most likely these stories are cautionary tales meant to keep kids from wandering into dangerous situations, it does make you think! Immense fear or indifference could be contributed to psychic phenomena that are sometimes reported with these types of sightings. Some even suggest a mix of biological and fringe. Where are you from? Kliebert got no response. Stories of these cajun folklore spirits originated in French culture and made their way into Louisiana folklore over time. Sightings have given rise to a number of stories describing creepy things that hide in the dark and dont play nice. Feel free to email me at The Rougarou myth is even so prevalent that the term "rougarouing" or similar terms have become used to describe a person who stays up late or is active at night. The commuter stated Unlike the sloth, it was man-like. Full report can be found on Report #514. He told himself if whatever that was jumps out at me, I can always hit the accelerator. When he got to the area where the creature crossed the road, he looked out the drivers side window but did not see anything. Enjoy these allegedly. Every year in October, there is a festival held in downtown Houma called the Rougarou Fest. The rougarou once served to scare adults into being good Catholics, and children into staying home after dark, Rabalais says, adding, Now there are other things to be scared of, like rising water levels and hurricanes.. Both the officer and his partner got a good look at the creature when it passed under the streetlight. The man dropped his gun and ran. If you werent already aware, New Orleans has a prominent vampire subculture. Also known as Cajun fairies, these creatures can be either good or bad depending on the circumstances. Some legends of the beast say it can only be killed by fire, others say it can be killed while its in its vulnerable human form. Love Louisiana? Kliebert tried to communicate with the giant, asking who are you? A student attending St. Josephs seminary college had an experience that cannot be classified as a sighting, but rather and auditory experience. There were no apparent wounds or blood, but the fresh carcass looked like it had been battered and crushed. The story of the Letieche is Louisianas Jungle Book. The sound of human cries in the woods is a theme directly from faire lore. Once the human is cursed, it is permanent. A Police officer and his partner, responding to a neighborhood prowler call. If you dont have the stomach to fight the beast, you can protect yourself through other means. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. The Louisiana werewolf is the rougarou of the bayoua very similar-looking creature. Origins of the Rougarou lie in 16th Century medieval French Folklore. According to these legends, the Rougarou when it comes across the pennies will begin to count them. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! She knew that if she told her husband what happened, she may remain under the Rougarou's spell forever, so she was forced to keep her secret for 101 days. Did a child disappear from the village without a trace? How safe are you from this magnificent monster? The unfortunate person is under the spell for 101 days. There is also a Native American story of the "Rugaru." But there may be something lurking on the outskirts of New Orleans that puts them all to shame. While the officers were talking to the lady, a K-9 unit arrived on scene and when they began their search the dog alerted to something. In this region; cities, towns, and neighborhoods tend to arise on the dry patches of earth that are surrounded by vast, thick, primordial swamp. The article does not specify if this happened in the same area that he and his friend found the large footprints. Frogs croak their songs in the distance and mosquitos buzz as they fly around looking for their next meal. Coming across this story made me reach out to Mr. Nameless to see if he would entertain the idea answering some questions about the experience he had in the early 90s. Its a hybrid mixture of escaped circus chimpanzees and alligators which now live in the swamps of St. Tammany Parish. For the sake of anonymity this family friend will remain nameless, so I will refer to him as Mr. Nameless. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. [7] Cajun legend says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! We use cookies to provide you with the best possible browsing experience. But you should 100% be on the lookout for alligators if you find yourself in the swamps at night. A version from the 16th century paints it as being seen as something similar to a genetic disorder, rather than the curse most other versions of the myth portray the Rougarou as being. Love Louisiana? Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. Stories on its origin vary, but some say its a spirit while others claim its a child that was raised by alligators. by Joel Balsam October 19, 2022. I tend to lean more on the flesh and blood theory but I think it is important to keep all possibilities in play. However, it is unlikely you will find any real pictures of a Rougarou, if there are any, as most claims of sighting have turned out to be a hoax. On the last Saturday in October in the city of Houma, Rougarou Fest is held. When the first drop of blood is drawn, the creature returns to human form and tells the attacker who it really is. Tue 05/30/23. Discover Louisiana's legendary werewolf: the Rougarou. Glad the information was here. 22. Click the image below to read our free eBook "The Big Book of Credit Union MythsBUSTED! The Cajuns (also known as Acadians) are an ethnic group that makes up a significant portion of south Louisianas population. Years later the seminary student was watching a television program about Bigfoot and they played audio of a suspected Sasquatch. Usually, the Rougarou/man already knows who his killer is. Screaming Bigfoot Shot by Hunter in Central Indian 8 Ft 'Upright Canine' Pair Observed on Beauregard Was it 'Mothman?' Is one of these crafty cryptids on display in a small museum? The Rougarou is an important figure in Cajun legends. I had been riding my bike through the trails in the woods that were in the back of Laplace Park. Could these sightings be and unknown species of hominid living for the most part, undetected in the southeast Louisiana wilderness? Apparently that was a thing they did back then. Our parents would say things like, you better behave or the rougarou is gonna get you, says Jonathan Foret, a native of Terrebonne Parish, a patchwork of bayou and lowlands on the Gulf shore. Once the rougarou settled into southern Louisianas swampy shadows, it took on some aspects of local Native American cryptids, such as a legendary Choctaw shapeshifting owl-witch. Or else you may find yourself prey to the legendary Rougarou. Unknown Military Units Appear After UFOs Reported Real Men in Black (MIB) Experiences: Calgary, Albe Possible Giant Ground Sloth (Mapinguari) Incident Human-Like 'Lycan' Encountered in So Paulo, Brazi 'Skinwalker Valley': Elder Ute Recalls Evil & Death. Full report can be found at Despite the Rougarou legend seemingly beginning as a way to scare Catholics and children, many locals maintain its existence and have their own personal stories, especially among the older generation. When many of the French migrated to Canada and the southern United States, they took the legend of the loup-garou with them. Fair Use Notice: It ended up passing within 15 yards of Mr. Klibert. Makes that morning commute not seem so bad, right? The cousins were ridding toward the creature when they spotted it walking on side of the road in their direction. upper neuadd reservoir history 1; downtown dahlonega webcam 1; permeated by a sense of longing. She witnessed someone slinking around her property. Such monster makeovers are common. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Whatever he saw had Mr. Nameless so unsettled that even from the safety of his truck was hesitant to pass where the creature had crossed. Years later, as a middle school teacher, hed mention the beast to his students only to learn theyd never heard of it. The different versions of the Rougarou beast are as many as reported sightings of the beast. As the rougarou lunges forward he defends himself and cuts its arm, thus releasing the curse from that person and putting it onto [himself].. Thank you! There are documentaries about this you can easily find on YouTube. Stories of werewolves and hideous creatures from hell have their roots in human behaviors that are seen as beastly and satanic. Bears can stand up and run on their hind legs, whereas, wolves cannot. Growing up, my Mom always called it the Wigawoo, and I never knew any different til I was 30something. Lover of all things comedy, photography, and travel related. Driving west on Airline Hwy. It is said that you can protect yourself against the Rougarou by laying 13 small objects by your doors. 1990-1992 (early 90s) St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. The details of just seeing the eyes suggest that this sighting happened in the early morning while it was still dark. In the legend, this beast is often described as having the body of a man and the head of a wolf or a dog and prowls Louisiana swamps looking for misbehaving children. Tall Pale White Humanoid Encounters by 3 Eyewitnesses. It was getting late so I was heading back to my dad's house for the evening. Thank you! The seminary student had the urge to run back to the monastery to tell someone but a thought emerged NO. Southeast Louisiana Bigfoot Sightings. Screaming 'Forest Ghoul' Seen in Montana Mountains. Theyre not trying to eat you, Ancelet says. According to Native American legends, theres a creature in Terrebonne Parish that is the spirit of a child reincarnated as a beast. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. He flagged me down to speak with me. A lover of tasty meat, he lurks in swamps and hunts down unsuspecting humans. Massive Bigfoot Observed by Pennsylvania Hunter. But now, the story of the once-terrifying rougarou is changing, along with the coastal wetlands it has long called home. It is said that you can protect yourself against the Rougarou by laying 13 small objects by your doors. Deep in the swamps of south Louisiana, legend has it, there lives the Rougarou a mythical werewolf type creature with sharp claws and glowing eyes. The Rougarou has also been tied to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. In this version, the Rougarou would live life as a normal person until some event occurred that triggered their condition. As outlandish as that sounds some of the very details in this essay support that. This continued for 15 minutes until the sound started to travel away. The report suggests that these two encounters took place in roughly the same area. In Southern Louisiana the loup-garou, or rougarou as pronounced in Kryl Louisianais, would become tied to the tradition of Lent. Wow, this is most definitely going to be my art project gonna be difficult but I'll get it done. Honey Island Swamp Monster Discover the secrets of Louisiana lifestyle and explore Ruston, home of the Peach Festival. A 9ft tall man with a black beard and what appeared to be a cloak of brown fur hanging from his neck by a rope. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Cajun legend says that the beast hunts down Catholics who dont follow the rules of Lent, which is similar to the telling of the old French stories. That way, everyone is reminded of what may happen if you don't keep your promises during the Lenten season, which begins the day after Mardi Gras. After that point, her spell was lifted. But first, lets dive into some of its histories. The New Orleans Pelicans had originally thought about changing their names from the Hornets to the Rougarous at one point! There are a large variety of tales surrounding this particular swamp creatureand they will all give you the creeps. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Country's answer to Bigfoot. Variations also associate it with animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens, due to the fact that wolves are not often seen in the area. Louisiana has the most unique culture Ive discovered in the US and thats saying something being a native of Appalachia. Werewolves have transformed, too, and not just into the Teen Wolf tv show and movie. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. Required fields are marked *. Back in the day of armor, swords and jousting, there was a lot more to fear than the plague and witches. Definitely a loup-garou. The officer reported that the creature crossed a 22 foot wide street in three strides. Rougarou custom jerseys on sale now! Oh wow that sounds like an interested read, Bill! These loup-garous became a fear for many people in the country, leading to them earning their place in legends passed down to children. Rougaroux Rum, manufactured by donner-peltier distillers in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has a special praline-flavored version called Rougaroux 13 Pennies. There was also a story that was told to kids that if they didnt do what their parents asked, a loup-garou would come and steal them away in the middle of the night. rougarou sightings in louisiana. I was compelled to dig in further to see if I could find more sighting reports in the Southeast Louisiana area, if only to substantiate these other reports. You can find information on the legend of Cauchemar in folklore from all around the world, and it even exists in the Deep South. Some sources claim the myth originated in medieval France, when belief in werewolves would have been far more prevalent. And as the stomping grounds for the rougarou have disappeared, so have tales about the beastuntil Foret made it his mission to save both. The Rougarou is often also associated with the Skunk Ape or the Honey Island Swamp Monster, likely due to another variation of the myth that states the creature is a shapeshifter that can change forms between human and animal at will, sometimes making it seem more like a swamp Sasquatch than a werewolf. An unknown creature has been mutilating and killing animals and perhaps humans in southern Louisiana; some locals attribute the attacks to a rougarou. The article contained a short anecdotal account of an unnamed Laplace man that in 1983 saw something correlates with what Mr. Nameless saw. This particular evening something strange caught the seminary students ear. This way, his spell was broken, making him able to turn back into human form. Generations of youngsters have heard the scary tales. If you have lived in Louisiana, there is a significant chance you have heard the lore of the Rougarou (also spelled as Rouxgaroux). A woman named Barbara Mullins discovered a supposedly unidentifiable carcass on the side of the road in 1996. The wife wandered into the woods and locked eyes with the Rougarou. Once turned around, the cousin looked back and observed the creature now walking in the middle of the road and at a quicker pace toward the children. These canine-humanoid shapeshifters travel between worlds using magical doors. Stories of cajun folklore monsters have been passed down for decadescenturies even. Despite the fact that it was originally a legend, there are still claimed sightings of the Rougarou to this day, though it has died off a bit in the past decade. Since the migration, many of the legends began to change to match the times and the dialect. She says a local boy was being followed by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. This unique festival is a great way to celebrate the folklore of the Southern Louisiana swamps, as well as celebrate the unique environmental heritage there. Terrebonne Parish resident Jonathan Foret was a type of kids. The court would ask the public if they believed the accused to be a loup-garou, and usually the public agreed (mainly for fear that theyd be outed as a witch or a loup-garou themselves). The trickster figure really went from being the bad guy, the one to watch out for, to being a hero, says Rabalais, adding that the shift reflected the reality of the people who told and retold the stories. troy landrey talked about it on swamp people. A few seconds passes and she started to feel a fear building inside. Whether the Rougarou is truly a cryptid stalking the streets at night just waiting to pass its curse on to the next unfortunate soul, or whether it is merely a tool used to scare Catholics into keeping Lent, it is clear that the Rougarou has left its mark on Southern Louisiana. Disclaimer: In 2011, Foret launched Rougarou Fest in Houma, Terrebones parish seat and largest city, as both a fundraiser for the center and a way to revive the fading cryptid tradition. The cryptid, usually described as a towering, hairy monster, is allegedly a human cursed to take beastly form. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At the time, it was called the loup-garou, and many crimes were blamed on the beast. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. I believe that people are seeing these poor mangy bears instead of werewolves. It now craves human flesh and overturns small boats to devour and feast! Let us know! At this point, you are probably wondering just how the legend began. 22.4K subscribers 36K views 6 years ago #bigfoot #paranormal Make sure you check out this video!. The Rougarou (Cedar Point) roller coaster is located at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. About half way back to the railroad crossing, 100 yards up the road. Theres a howl in the near distance. Other variations say a Rougarou can turn their victims merely by making eye contact. Deep in the rural wooded swamp of Livingston Parish and young girl was having a friend of hers spend the night. It was enough just enough working knowledge for me to form an opinion. This a great article!! Its too late to turn back! This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which may not be specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Treat Yourself To A Homemade Ice Cream Cone At The Sweetport In Louisiana, This Train Restaurant In Louisiana Is The Most Enchanting Place To Eat, This Enchanting And Historic Town In Louisiana Is The Perfect Day Trip Destination, Best Hotels & Resorts in Louisiana: 12 Amazing Places to Stay, 7 Folktales, Legends, and Superstitions Every Louisianian Has Heard At Least Once, The Sinister Story Behind This Popular Louisiana Swamp Will Give You Chills, The Story Behind This Legendary Swamp Monster In Louisiana Will Give You The Chills, 7 Creepy Louisiana Ghost Stories That Will Make You Sleep With The Lights On, Wanderluster/E+ Collection via Getty Images, Cavan Images/Cavan Collection via Getty Images, Troy Harrison/Moment Collection via Getty Images, 2ndLookGraphics/E+ Collection via Getty Images. The Rougarou is a legendary creature that is often depicted on shirts, cups, and other forms of merchandise. The giant was walking westerly at a quick pace with a sorrowful but purposeful look. This terrifying creature has evolved over millenniabut never lost the need to feed. Eventually he began disappearing at night--eventually turning fully into the Rougarou, never to be seen in the same form again. After being spotted, the creature ran between two houses then continued to the street when it passed under a streetlight. Children can see and hear everything that happens, but they are unable to move. About four weeks ago, PB and his 5-year-old daughter were walking along their long dirt driveway that leads to their home. This version varies from being a Bigfoot legend to resembling something more like a wendigo. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. He sees it as an example of the way cryptids evolve alongside the cultures that created them. Logic would dictate that any such creature living in southeast Louisiana would appear thinner in both frame and hair because of the climate and wet conditions. The full moon hangs high over the Louisiana swampland. It was a fall evening and this student was walking on a road in back of the property that borders cow pastures and piney woods. However embracing legends, customs and tradition is the very foundation of culture. Where can you find a Rougarou? The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. Of Houma, Rougarou Fest essay support that and deliver them straight to you took place in roughly the form! A festival held in downtown Houma called the Rougarou by laying 13 small by. Eventually he began disappearing at night -- eventually turning fully into the Teen Wolf tv show and movie and on! 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