Dr. Nereida Gonzalez-Berrios, MD , Certified Psychiatrist Her passion for writing, kindled during school days have now become a full time freelancing endeavor. For the African males who are trying to be dominant, at times he will make sure that it kills all the male cubs in the pride to avoid competition, which is a rather sad thought. You need to focus your attention and concentrate on one task at a time. The lion is a symbol of aggression, happiness, royalty, and pride. Maybe its your career thats becoming challenging or your relationship is turning over-demanding. This dream can mean that a relationship will develop based on trust, loyalty and will flourish. Women continue to be likely to be home-makers and nurturers males continue to be likely to be strong breadwinners. You have become a mere onlooker to the various events happening around you. You are trying to cover up your true feelings. Now you are aligned to a space of well-being and emotional security. Sometimes the lion appears before us in a dream because it indicates that you have this as your animal totem. The dream represents something that requires your prompt attention. WARNING: Fear sometimes paralyzes you and prevents you from doing valuable things. This is why you are chased by a lion in a dream. Dreaming of lion hunting speaks of your leadership attributes as well. A Complete Guide. If the lion takes over in the dream this suggests possible attacks on others. You should observe any mistakes you are making in real life or if you are not taking appropriate action. Stay calm! The dream is unfortunately regret in some decision you made or in some action that you took. A lion can also be symbolic of the personal struggles you are encountering in your life. If they are internal, then you have the power to turn things around for yourself. The challenges you face will make you stronger, 5. At lunch, treat yourself to a glass of wine or a soothing cup of tea. Your sense of improvisation is developed. Also, dont be too afraid to venture out and show off your qualities. Maybe you need to quit a job you hate or leave a toxic relationship. You will be calm and collected, though perhaps a little out of touch with some work issues. Dreams about a lion could symbolize a lack of inner alignment within yourself. White lions are connected to our own spiritual journey in life and in many ancient dream books denote that seeing a white lion stands for: great imagination, peace, harmony and spiritual development. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It can reveal your deepest thought processes. In this article, we have tried interpreting what different lion dreams signify. The lion animal signifies courage, loyalty, dignity, passion, vigor and willpower. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Auntyflo.com is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. They are found in areas where there are grasslands, scrub or open woodlands. You have control over your emotions. In a dream this animal visits to advise you to make prompt decisions. Spin my tarot wheel to find out. Lions are known as the king of the jungles because they rule the jungle world fully. Welcome to The Dream Bible. At this time, you should refrain from such activities like gambling. Sometimes this dream appears when we need to keep our feelings to ourselves. You are stuck at looking things the same way. Lions are known for their boisterous roar when they are upset or trying to assert themselves, which could be how you're feeling on a subconscious level. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. People look up to you for your creativity and strong leadership skills. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In Singapore, the lions head is a distinctive and recognized as a national feature. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. FUTURE: Dream of sick lion expresses that without asking, someone could help you with a long-standing issue. 5 0. Practice meditation and gratitude to center your mind. An attacking lion, may depict how we see someone who is being aggressive toward us. So, if you see the big cat in your dream it could indicate your charming personality. Confused. You should write your dream on the most relevant page. Dreams about being chased by a lion signify that you are running away from your strongest attributes. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This dream suggests you are feeling uneasy about your position or, My husband wanted to take paracetamol.He therefore gave me two paracetamol as well.Meanwhile,I took mine before he took his.It wasnt, Dear Reader, Your dream means plans, opportunities and beginnings. Your life is about to change soon. 0. You will find obstacles and difficulties, but you can overcome them all if you persevere. Spiritually a lion is a symbol of positivity, strength, courage and wisdom. Hugging a lion also symbolizes getting back your inner strength and power that will align you towards a positive growth and fulfillment. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". 5.5) So, a lion is a protector and watches over mankind. You need to be more careful when offering emotional support as your may be overextending yourself. Dreaming of a lion means, above all, the struggle, which you win and become a leader in many endeavors. To see the lion's main is a positive omen it suggests that you will gain loyalty. If you have the lion as your spirit animal, you are the kind of person who takes yourself too seriously, and you really go hard at whatever you are pursuing. If you dreamed of a lion hunting, it means youre feeling helpless and overpowered in waking life. You are at odds with someone in your life. You are literally sleeping on the gems that make you unique. If you get dreams about cheetah then check its meaning here. Your dream signifies your desire to be part of something, but are not actively taking any steps to getting where you want to be or where you want to go in life. In simple words, you could be a wildlife enthusiast or someone who loves animals. What may seem good in the beginning, will ultimately be unsatisfying and unfulfilling. More from Dream Dictionary. You are allowing obstacles to get in the way of your aspirations, 3. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Perhaps your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking is preventing you from going forward. If you havent yet, this dream encourages you to reach out to the supportive female figures in your life. You need to act on your gut instinct about some situation or relationship. It does not store any personal data. You are trying to recapture a certain time in your life. Read more: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Moreover, lions are passionate animals. You need to be more conservative; you are carrying too many responsibilities, burdens and problems on your shoulders. Its enough youre safe. It could be symbolic of your mother or sister or she could also be a wife or girlfriend. You want to wipe the past away and literally become a new person. If you use your power to uplift others you would reap the benefits but if you misuse your power and harm others, be ready to get punished. But if you have a problem in controlling and managing things and people, the lion is a sign that you must learn how to take charge in waking life. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 2022 ThePleasantDream. SUMMARYDreaming of a lion can indicate your risk-taking attitude and determination to complete a quest. Either you are already on a path of spiritual development or the white lion has arrived to announce the beginning of your spiritual journey. You know your own limitations, but there are some aspects that you will be able to improve a lot. 2. A playful lion who is cuddling and having fun with you is telling you to enjoy life. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The lion is entering your life to urge you to think and then act. At the age of between three to four years, the female and male lions are ready for mating. All work with the public will be profitable. Do not be rash. If you are passionate about your life you will be able to face your fears and keep pushing towards your end goal. You will be shown who cares for you in real and who pretends to be caring. Our site uses cookies, please check our privacy policy. Interpret NOW! Lion Dream Explanation Riding on a lion 's back: Will ride on a high tide, either by travelling by sea in the inappropriate season when . Read more: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. One of them is known in fairy tales where the lion is a symbol of the king among of the other animals. Many of us havent dealt with this trauma, and it keeps rearing its head in all aspects of our lives. Often, lions generally use tall grass in order to hide when they hunted A. The lions found in Asia are a bit bigger with tails measuring 23.62 to 35.43 inches, 6.5 to 9.18 feet from head to rump and a weight of about 300 to 500 lbs. If the lion is biting you and you are fighting back then this dream can be connected to being bitten by a situation. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Your solar plexus or third chakra is balanced. If you are being attacked by a lion then this can be a rather scary dream. There is a genetic strain of white lions which was created in the Johannesburg zoo in 1977. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Comments that are irrelevant to this page are automatically deleted. And for the first six weeks, the young ones will be hidden away. There will be a bridge of understanding that a person will become a true friend, not just someone you discuss the weather with. Seeing a lion head could imply that you have willingly handed over your power to someone else. You are just going through the physical aspects of a relationship, but are lacking the emotional connection. This dream carries a negative message. Have you dreamed last night about the big cats? To dream of a sick animal, it is a sign of sickness unto death, a symbol that you have been limited to excel. While finding myself living in France with, Dream cleaning floors and watering hanging plants, Dear Reader, Your dream is a signal for accomplishments, expectations and guide. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. It was like a love feast, Dear Reader, Your dream indicates realisation, idealism and prevention. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You are setting [], Dream about sea lion points to impatience or impulsiveness. When you dream about a lion running towards you but you are not moving away from it, the dream signifies you have learned to let go of innate fears. this means fortunes, prosperity and good news. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". As lions have the most beautiful gold fur they can indicate that we will be successful in the future. "The Oracle" is here to interpret your dreams. This dream states you are avoiding some responsibility or refusing to, Dear Reader, Your dream suggests union, answers and perseverance. Seek forgiveness or do some good deeds as an act of atonement. Wondering what the future holds? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This dream indicates selfish behavior from your loved ones in near future. This dream hints you have unknowingly exposed certain, I dreamt I was destroying a city, I felt powerful and in control. The white lion is believed to be connected with the spiritual journey. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It means you still have the power and opportunity to resolve the conflicts with which you are struggling for your own peace of mind. Fighting with a lion symbolizes your inner urge to fight back against all setbacks and problems in your life. It could be that you are feeling threatened and having a desire to escape. We only have to look at ancient Egypt and you will find that one of the most powerful goddesses known as Sekhmet was represented by a lioness figure. Gods fury has been reported in the Bible in many instances. This dream is your subconscious mind manifesting your thoughts about this female figure. Because now you would realize the true intentions of your folks. You are feeling rejected by those around you. Dream about sick lion is sadly an admonition for your anxieties about really asking a person out. When you have a Cougar dream, it can mean several things depending on the context of your vision. You can expect monetary or spiritual blessings shortly. You receive good news related to the professional situation of your partner or a close friend. If you dream of a dead or sick lion, you're in for misfortune.. See more. If the lion in your dream seems particularly ferocious or angry, it may be a sign that you harbor deep-seated rage or hostility toward others. Your dream could signify your inner desires and conflicts. Its important to note how the lion was behaving in your dream. You may be feeling weak and vulnerable. The lion animal can arrive in your dream to teach you to become more courageous. The dream is sadly a warning for what is holding your relationship together. Dreaming of a lion protecting can be comforting. However, if we were to go a little deeper into understanding the . This dream expresses you have new responsibilities and duties that will require your time and attention. It also represents domination, leadership and courage. The lion symbolizes your freedom. When you dream about a lion, the universe is probably sending a message that you need to put in more passion and aggressive focus on whatever it is you are pursuing for you to succeed. They tend to stay in the same pride of which they are born. Dreaming about lions represents the role of power in your daily life, such as love life, job, and social life. In particular, you might need to cultivate more patience and listen more to your intuition rather than your ego. Dr. Nereida Gonzalez-Berrios, MD, is board-certified Psychiatrist at private medical practice. Dream about lion hugging me is a warning alert for the expected pleasures, demanding responsibilities and growing anxieties associated with a holiday [] You must learn to express yourself fully. For her, writing is cathartic and keeps her mentally agile. In that case, the lion is asking you to seek true wisdom. You want to build a strategy to win over your enemies. These beliefs arise from childhood trauma inflicted by our caregivers and society in general. Lions are proud, majestic animals that have been mentioned in mythology, fables and even worshipped by ancient people around the world. The dream states mystery, richness, smoothness. You must be working too hard that you are not relaxing at all. It is always a good idea to appreciate our loved ones and those who support us. You can use the help of someone else who is outgoing to help you to deal with the situation. Worried. For instance, a lion in a dream can also project your pride, greed, arrogance, lust and unforgiving character. You will know where to go and better yet, who to join. To see a line in the grass indicate that you are going to have to hide your own viewpoints from somebody in order to get these across. You are having a lot of challenges in life that are stressing you out. So, if you see a lone lion in your dream it could reflect your inner pride. Dream about sick lion points at security, love, comfort, support and unconditional or unquestioned love. The universe has granted you these gifts; what are you doing with them? In a positive sense, a lion in a dream can reflect your inner strengths but it could have negative implications as well. Nothing scarey. If you feel like you are falling behind in your projects and other aspirations, it is time to evaluate your life carefully. If the lion is in a cage then this suggests that one is afraid of power and feel it needs to be held back. These jungle kings represent power, courage, and strength, all positive attributes. To see yourself fighting a lion that is trying to eat you is a sign that you may ensure a string of unlucky endeavors and you may need to take unnecessary risks. Reviewed by The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This dream is telling you that it is time to let your hair down a bit and take your time to enjoy everything you have worked so hard for. Lion is a symbol of strength, courage and royal and proud thinking. However, if you dream about running away from the lion, it represents an opposite meaning, symbolizing your escapist tendencies. You must be conscious of the words you speak and the thoughts you think. So, when you see lions roaring in your dream it could either symbolize your inherent aggressive character or it could bring a message to you to become a little more assertive and bold. The lion in dreams reflect the animal or instinctual part of your nature, so if the fierce animal terrorizing you in a dream consider what this animal represents to you and what it says. Lions embody some of the best qualities many humans aspire to. Thought brother is spending money the company, Dear Reader, Your dream denotes decision, dependence and rejection. If you see a lion in your dream and don't see it attacking you or anyone else, then it either means that you are fascinated by its beauty or are in awe of its ferociousness. To be friendly with a female lion in your dream or feed lions indicates that you will uncover friendships on a deeper level. You have a careful understanding of the smaller and minor details in your life. This indicates that you are able to control and manage your emotions with ease. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. In fact, there are around 350 white lions that currently live in captivity in 2017. Depression can come about when the ego and your authentic self are not aligned. To see a white lion is connected to a magical new beginning. If this animal appears in your dream it could signify your high energy and stamina in waking life. It could be that you are prone to anger bursts and aggressive behavior that doesnt sit well with those around you. So, what does this mean for your dream of a lion? Youre not in a very satisfying condition and you need improvement. Today you could find that youve left something at home, perhaps a book or letter that you need. A free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. This dream indicates you will hold your own, White van in a middle of a car show with many business people. Read more: This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you dream about talking to a lion, it also means that divine guidance has been sent your way. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent. For African lions, they eat large animals which are found in their habitat including but not limited to wildebeests, antelopes, and zebras. In other words, you are well-respected by your peers. This dream is a warning sign that despite your power and influence, you might lose those once closest to you. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Lions have been known to be the most iconic creature in history with their behaviors being important to the human race since time immemorial. Sources of funding to this site does not ever influence editorial content of this site. This dream means the security and peace of mind. A lion acting as a protector represents you have a lot of helpful people in life who are always by your side. This dream symbolises you need to look on, Dear Reader, Your dream refers to person, information and commitment. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A lion is a symbol of strength and dynamism. They protect their cubs from other predators and display fearlessness and superiority than other animals in the jungle. Maybe, you are already experiencing a loss of power! I truly believe the lion when represented in a dream indicates that you will soon encounter strength, courage, and power in your life. It could also mean that you have a sense of leadership and power which is affecting your self-confidence. This isnt a reason for you to give up the war. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation. Physically the lion is strong, beautiful, powerful and potent. Dream about wolf and lion indicates an unsatisfied or unfulfilled emotional life. If you are hesitating to take a crucial action, a sleeping lion could appear in your dream. You are not measuring up to the expectations of others. You are not accepting yourself as you are. To feel or see your leg bitten indicates that someone close to you is using their power over you. If you take the lions advice you will become bold and develop a charismatic personality that will charm others. You are good at offering your advice to others. You need to relax a little. They act quickly and ruthlessly, destroying and dismantling their prey in a matter of minutes. If a lion is fighting you and you are fighting back this could denote that your power is being questioned. She is a post graduate in Applied psychology with focus in clinical and health domains. This dream denotes you are neglecting your responsibilities, talents, or, Dear Reader, Your dream is sometimes perspectives, senses and communication. They served as intermediaries and clan deities of those times. Dear Reader, Your dream hints considerations, regaining and beauty. The dream also signifies good emotional control, you are capable to carry on with your duties diligently without getting overwhelmed emotionally. You are feeling overburdened and do not know whether you are coming or going. Welcome to my website, and I hope to provide information on your dream. Dream about Sick Lion signals your sense of loyalty. If you have a lion as your spirit animal, it means others are drawn to your charisma and strength. Lion in a dream is a powerful symbolism. Its spirit has a range of meanings with different symbols attached. A lions roar is a sign of fire element and aggressive masculinity. This dream hints your personality and physical appearance, Dear Reader, Your dream draws attention to emergence, job and family. In that case, God is showing your mistakes through the lion dream. There are at least 8 Biblical Meanings of Lions in a Dream. Making yourself crazy over it will only stress you out. Maybe you need to leave that job or breakup with your partner? You are tired of hiding your true feelings. It can reveal your deepest thought processes. Now, lets find out what it means when you dream about a lion. It does not store any personal data. The Divine is always responding to you. This is a temporary irritation that will pass. Stuck at looking things the same way just going through the physical aspects of dream of sick lion relationship will develop based trust. Of us havent dealt with this trauma, and it keeps rearing its head in all aspects of our.... Her, writing is cathartic and keeps her mentally agile and potent all, the struggle, you. Collect information to provide information on your dream refers to person, information and commitment or..., dignity, passion, vigor and willpower asking, someone could help to. Jungles because they rule the jungle your high energy and stamina in waking life stress you out overwhelmed! Age of between three to four years, the struggle, which you win and become a person... 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