3 More studies are needed. KING: Dale, did you know he was terminal? Cochran died in Los Angeles March 29, 2005 after a long illness. KING: One of the problems, Dr. Khurana, is almost everybody has a cell phone. Since gaining a reputation in Ebony magazine as "the best in the West" in the early 1980s, Cochran eventually became the go-to guy for black celebrities in trouble. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I wouldn't blame the cell phone companies. Often times, these phone come with a holster. After returning to private practice, Cochran built his firm into a personal injury giant with more than 100 lawyers and offices around the country. That doesn't completely clear the story, but it is an important piece of information. Larry, we're going to go inside the ear here to the inner part over here. SCHWARTZ: Yes, there's no problem with using ear phones. But, basically, this is a tumor of the inner ear and -- there you go, Larry. BLACK: We did a biopsy, yes. KING: Run them down. Biography and associated logos are trademarks of A+E Networksprotected in the US and other countries around the globe. The jury is still out. And, so, you are sort of asking for a definite answer to state where the science is quite indefinite. D. COCHRAN: Um-hmm. A judge reportedly issued the warrant on Thursday, Doctor Khurana, you say that the danger of cell phones could have far broader health ramifications than asbestos and smoking. DR. VINI KHURANA, NEUROSURGEON, THE CANBERRA HOSPITAL: I base it on the fact, Larry, that at this point in time, there's just over three billion users of cell phones worldwide. But this is not a painful process. Is that really safe? We're looking at the association at Cedars with a grant from the air quality management district between air pollution and brain cancer. If you look at some of the studies that have been performed -- I mean one of the studies that is very concerning has been a story out of Europe that looked at a long-term exposure to the use of cell phones over a period of 10 years. Yes. Gracie remembers he is the murderer, and phones the police. Upon passing the bar, Cochran worked as a deputy criminal prosecutor in Los Angeles. I'd certainly agree with that. His work and leadership have had a lasting legacy almost two decades after his death, and in today's America, with the death of George Floyd and the nationwide And I stand by those comments. KING: Is that considered high? He's chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute at Cedars-Sinai. Absolutely not. It's a multi-billion dollar industry and a mounting controversy. D. COCHRAN: I don't really like to use the word terminal. And with so many users and users starting at the age of three and up now, we should be concerned. called in during that show. And, two, how far along has the industry evolved? His magic worked. I think arrogance is the worst way to go. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If it is conclusive that it can cause brain tumors, then I think there should be some sort of a warning. He's in Canberra, Australia. You can see it here. The police pursued, leading to a nationally Research Paper On The Oj Simpson Case Joining us in New York is Lewis Slesin. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It's hard to say. We had actually vacationed together on summer vacations with our mutual families. KING: In the brain? BLACK: and anyone who will listen that the safe practice is to use an earpiece. D. COCHRAN: I got concerned right away that he couldn't remember my telephone number. He meant everything to me. Although he frequently took police departments on in court, Cochran denied being anti-police and supported the decision of his only son, Jonathan, to join the California Highway Patrol. And he was Johnnie Cochran's doctor. It gives me an opportunity to represent people who are injured. BLACK: We were actually, Larry, close friends. But there is a concern out there and I think people need to be careful. We'll wrap it up when we come back. Is technology advancing faster than medical research? It provides sensation to the rest of the body. The brain cancer rates have been flat since the introduction of cell phones. KING: Do you use cell phones, Dana? KING: On a regular basis, every day? or redistributed. He died at his home in Los Angeles on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 from a brain tumor. "People in New York and Los Angeles, especially mothers in the African-American community, are more afraid of the police injuring or killing their children than they are of muggers on the corner," he once said. When that relationship soured, his mistress, Patricia Sikora, sued him for palimony and the case was settled privately in 2004. Cochran's longtime mistress, Patricia Sikora, also spoke out against the attorney. KHURANA: I strongly disagree with Dr. Thun's perspective. They do give off less radiation than a cell phone, but wearing it all the time could be a problem. And KING: Did he dismiss that or get concerned? BLACK: Initially, Johnny's tumor was in an area that is considered not safe to operate on, Larry. The environment is important, but ultimately, government mandates cannot protect our KING: Sanjay, what does the manual say? They went down in this non- ionizing radio frequency as well, which was a good thing, I think, by everyone's admission. It goes down to his phone. Like KING: Some have called cell phone use more dangerous than smoking. We need to be -- we need to have an open mind. KING: Can you break it down? If cell phone use was a factor, wouldn't there be evidence on that side?" So, you know, as I said in the beginning, at this point, we cannot say with any certainty that cell phones either are safe or not safe. What indication did he give you that something was wrong? For years its been speculated that Super Attorney Johnnie Cochrans brain tumor was caused by his cell phone use. D. COCHRAN: Yes. Cochran didn't represent him in that case. BLACK: I use a cell phone, but I always use an earpiece. I thank all of our guests. While we're waiting ten years to find out whether radiating RFs into the head (or the area adjacent to the genitals) is good or bad, should we suffer the inconvenience of minimizing cell phone use? We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. I keep coming back to it. So surgery, at least to try to remove all of the tumor that we could see on the MRI scan, was not one of the initial treatment options. KHURANA: I do, Larry. KING: Quickly, doctor, because I'm running short of time. Male. At times it was a lot of fun," he said of the lampooning he received. One of the most memorable moments of the televised trial came from Cochran, who instructed the jury in closing arguments: "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.". More power to them. Cochran had accused a group of Los Angeles police officers, led by Mark Fuhrman, of framing his client. Meanwhile, wear an earpiece, or holster and all will be well, the doctors said. KING: Did Johnnie know he was passing? ", The flamboyant Cochran enjoyed that parody so much he even quoted it in his autobiography, "A Lawyer's Life. Lacola (ph) from Finland, Interphone group, "for more than 10 years, of mobile phone use reported on the side of the head where the tumor was located, an increased odds ratio of borderline statistical significance was found." So just because it's -- you know, you have a tumor, doesn't mean that it's linked to cell phones. .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}Ken Starr. I mean who uses a cell phone that little nowadays? Speaking of last night, our "American Idol" contest winners, Laura from Morgantown, West Virginia, she knew the complete set list. And those cells are more vulnerable to developing cancer from an injury or other types of problems. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, it's interesting, because you look at all the studies out there and most people will say, look, I mean they're fine. He is editor of MicrowaveNews.com. KING: People at CNN who saw a lot of him said he was on that phone a lot. He died from a brain tumor on March 29, 2005, at the age of 67. Johnnie died March 29 2005, of a brain tumor. I initially thought it might be an infection. KING: We're obviously going to devote more time to this. When we come back, cell phones past and present. Reacting to news of Cochran's death Tuesday, Jackson had kind words for the lawyer he considered "a great humanitarian. We don't know about mechanisms. KING: More information go to what? He's the head of that. KING: Headaches? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We, the jury in the above entitled action, find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder. I don't know what you think about this whole subject. "I didn't know too much about what a lawyer did or how he worked, but I knew that if one man could cause this great stir, then the law must be a wondrous thing," Cochran said in his book. So that -- you know, that option wasn't one of the weapons that we could use to fight the tumor. KING: All right, Dr. Gupta, Dr. Black says it's possible. KHURANA: Absolutely. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. It doesn't fit. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. Well, let's break it down a little. Jeff and Laura, your prizes are in the mail. Simpson of the murder, he was ordered to surrender by 11 am on june 17 Simpson did not surrender vanished, but was tracked down later in the day when he made a call from his cell phone on the Santana Ana freeway. After graduating from UCLA, Cochran earned a law degree from Loyola University. I can think back at least five years ago when Dr. Black wore an ear piece back then. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. For a time, he represented high-profile athletes and music stars in contract matters. The major do is use one of these wired ear pieces. Attorney at law. It sort of drops off in terms of the amount of radiation you're exposed to. GUPTA: There are a lot of don'ts. People might be shocked to hear that the evidence does seem to be coming more strongly in support of harmful effects." Most of them, if you really dissect it down, they really only follow the patients along for just a few years. THUN: You are absolutely right. KING: Dr. Khurana, by the way, do you use a cell phone? What is that? His family was by his side and he had been in a hospice, Epps said. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Brad has a phone in his breast pocket. And I think that there's enough sort of concern out there to at least prompt people to think more about how they use their cell phones, using earpieces, keeping it further away from the ear and things like that. Experts on both sides of the issue are here and it's next. KING: And how far has the -- SLESIN: What we're missing is the understanding of how this could possibly work. KING: We all liked Johnnie. It gives me an opportunity to represent people who I believe are innocent. who was arrested for speeding and later found dead in his cell. ``I don't know why he turned against me, why he cut me off, why he would want to see me hurt,'' a tearful And, again, we knew it was serious, but we were trying to keep him as comfortable and maintain a good quality of life for him in the last days. I guess that doesn't count. Cochran died at 12:30 p.m. PT (3:30 p.m. I think everybody on this program has agreed that using a headset is really the right way to go. They saw an abnormality within the brain. We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right,contact us! Do you say it's possible? Go ahead. We have a little montage here for you. WebOne notorious case The Cochran Firm tried was in 2004, when the firm's attorneys, representing Francis Ferko and accomplices, were able to bully NASCAR into eliminating its Grand Slam by forcing NASCAR to surrender the Mountain Dew Southern 500 in Darlington, SC, and giving a new date to Texas Motor Speedway. KING: Is this much safer than that? BLACK: Teenagers and even younger -- and they will be using cell phones for 20 or 30 years, we do not have enough data now to say that, you know, that is a safe device. I think it's, you know, it's one of those things where, you know, I use a cell phone all the time. There's no known mechanism, but not necessarily no mechanism. Where does the American Cancer Society, doctor, stand on this subject? Family members and colleagues of the legal In 1978, Cochran once again became part of the citys legal force when he joined the Los Angeles County district attorney's office, although he eventually returned to private practice. WebTuesday, Apr. KING: Is that something that you would possibly associate with cell phones? By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. KING: It's a wonderful place and a great addition the health system in this country. D. COCHRAN: You know, it was a very quiet period of time. A lot of scientists will say that. And as Dr. Gupta said, you know, that energy is directly proportional, actually, to the square of how close you hold it to your brain. Watch. But, Larry, we also know there are other environmental causes that have been related to brain tumors as well. BLACK: But the brain has no sensation. So those brains are much more susceptible. And I think the concern among other types of neurological problems, other than brain cancer, because, you know, a microwave antenna is very similar to a microwave oven. He was 67. GUPTA: Yes, this is from the manufacturer themselves. WebAccording to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average time between first exposure to a cancer-causing agent and clinical recognition of the disease KING: How did you find out what he had? GUPTA: I do. Cochran, who died in 2005, also is a central character on the FX series American Crime Story: The People Vs. O.J. Dieser Artikel wurde entwickelt, um den Bedrfnissen unserer Kunden entsprechend zu werden und bietet eine Vielzahl von neuen Funktionen. I really think the overwhelming amount of evidence that we have from reviewing the literature has shown there really is no good, viable link between cell phone use and brain tumors. I was innocent, but he believed it. "I read everything I could find about Thurgood Marshall and confirmed that a single dedicated man could use the law to change society.". When Cochran helped Pratt win his freedom in 1997 he called the moment "the happiest day of my life practicing law.". Pratt was convicted in 1972. And I think I should quote them. First, what do you think of the theory of the possibility of the cell phone causing brain cancer? This is a Motorola phone. While Cochran never argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, a case involving him is on the docket this session. And the concern is not just brain tumors, but other health effects associated or reported to be associated with cell phones, including behavioral disturbances, salivary gland tumors, male infertility and microwave sickness syndrome. As Dr. Gupta has pointed out, their quantification of what constitutes regular use is itself quite alarming. What do you make of it? And thanks to his showmanship and the notoriety of the trial, Cochran was widely lampooned on late-night talk shows, "Saturday Night Live" and "Seinfeld. Simpson, who had expanded his career to acting since retiring from the NFL, was arrested in the summer of 1994 on charges he murdered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson (search), and her friend Ron Goldman (search ). D. COCHRAN: He's still living. BLACK: No, no Larry, I'm not. Web5.03M subscribers 522 Johnnie Cochran represented Geronimo Pratt for free for 27 years until he got his wrongful conviction overturned and freed him from his life The whole family was there, all of the kids and myself, his sisters, his father, who has lived with us for a number of years. THUN: I think that what's still in question is the acoustic neuromas. His first wife, Barbara Cochran Berry, wrote her own memoir Life After Johnnie Cochran: Why I Left the Sweetest Talking, Most Successful Black Lawyer in L.A. accusing her ex-husband of cruel behaviors that included physical and emotional abuse. It used to come in a bag. Do you think there's a link? When we come back, Dr. Gupta will be with us, along with the return of Dale Cochran and Dr. Keith Black. Do you see, Dale, as a lay person, the possibility of cell phone use and Johnnie's illness? We don't know about thresholds. 12, 2005. DR. TED SCHWARTZ, NEW YORK PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL: I don't really think they are worried about brain tumors. Famed attorney Johnnie Cochran died Tuesday in California of a brain tumor, his family said on Tuesday. He was 67. Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., who became a legal superstar after helping clear O.J. Simpson during a sensational murder trial in which he uttered the famous quote If it doesnt fit, you must acquit, died Tuesday. Cochran signed on as part of a "dream team" of lawyers defending the Hall of Famer. Because of widespread coverage of the Simpson trial, Cochran entered the superstar realm of celebrity, reportedly receiving a $2.5 million advance to write his memoirs. WebLindstrom visits the Burns house to return Gracie's gloves that she left on the train. And that is right in here, that red part. Until the research has been done, it would be presumptuous to make a judgment call. As prosecutors Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden sparred with Simpson's defense attorney, the late Johnnie Cochran, Kim desperately hoped for a conviction. So we know that there is KING: You can't discuss an individual case then? One of the bigger concerns, though, I think, is the fact that it just generates a lot of heat or it generates heat. He appeared on Court TVs Inside Americas Courts and was also featured on a number of TV programs, including Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Chris Rock Show and The Roseanne Show as well as the Spike Lee film Bamboozled (2000). This was the question that Larry King posed this week to Dena Cochran, the widow of Johnnie Cochran (who died of the disease), as well as to a group of five doctors. According to TMZ, the Florida rapper currently has a warrant out for his arrest. KING: They come with the phone. By mid-decade, hed entered private practice with Gerald Lenoir and soon launched a firm of his own, Cochran, Atkins & Evans. Some will courageously take the risk and apply the device daily in their confidence that tomorrow will bring definitive acute care treatments. Studies from northern Europe, from Israel especially, from France, from Germany, all point to a risk of, you know, cell phone links to brain tumors and to neuromas and grand tumors. LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, cell phones and cancer -- is there a link? And I spoke with Johnnie and also with Dale and they flew back to Los Angeles, where we did further diagnostic studies. WebHis attorney, Johnnie Cochran, argued that the charges should be dropped. We know from laboratory animals, for example, that, you know, the most effective way of inducing a tumor is to induce it in a young developing embryo, in a young developing animal. In 1959, he received his bachelor's degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and later attended Loyola Marymount University Law School, graduating in 1962. In some of these European studies, almost a four times increased likelihood of developing tumors like this one in people who are chronic cell phone users. No one mentioned any study demonstrating the efficacy of either ear pieces or holsters, nor apparently considered whether radiating the region of the hips and sexual organs is preferable to radiating the brain. 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